The student can be suspended from school for up to three days for the first incident.
Students committing more serious assaults on school employees can be suspended from school for at least 10 days or get reassigned to alternative education.
They will also not be allowed to return to that teacher's classroom unless the teacher agrees. Police will also be notified.
(GCS Chief of Staff Nora) Carr said assaults on school employees are rare in the district, and she was unable to cite a previous incident.
State data on school crime and suspensions shows that last school year, Guilford County Schools reported 84 assaults on school personnel, which includes volunteers.
Dudley High reported two such offenses, according to the state data.
Those assaults do not include serious injuries, based on how the state tracks assaults.
Guilford County Schools didn’t report any assaults that caused serious injury last year, state data shows."
By News & Record
Sarah Newell Williamson
If you are threatened or feel unsafe, complete and file a police statement ASAP. Retain the original copy: needed if petition the court for a Restraining Order.
<- Click left page: Law Enforcement: School Crime/“Assault” definition
If you are threatened or feel unsafe, complete and file a police statement ASAP. Retain the original copy: needed if petition the court for a Restraining Order.
<- Click left page: Law Enforcement: School Crime/“Assault” definition