"Safer Schools" developed during the 2009-2010 school year.
"Safer Schools" is an advocate and promoter of a safe school environment for our students, teachers, and parents in Guilford County, NC. We are independent, concerned citizens who work with all to assure our schools are safe havens and places of learning where our children are protected and guided in a manner that promotes responsible citizens.
* To provide a safe environment for students, educators, and staff.
* To teach students to show respect and practice good character traits and citizenship
* To ensure all students have the opportunity to graduate.
Our children are our most valuable resource. The highest priority of school leaders, elected officials and communities is to ensure our children receive a quality education in a safe environment.
Research reveals a child needs
to be "fed nutritionally" and
to feel "safe, loved, valued"
for the brain to be
most receptive to learning.
Academic success increases with a
"Focus on safety".
"Safer Schools" Team, made up of parents, educators, law enforcement personnel, elected officials, and citizens, is dedicated to improving school safety and acting as a resource for individuals who have faced school violence.1. Accurate reporting and recording of all acts of school violence and threats including: verbal and written threats of violence, trespassing, bomb threats, assault, damaged property, disorderly conduct, affray, larceny, drug violation, alcohol violation, weapon on school property, sex offense, and arson/fire.
2. When school violence occurs, students, families, and school staff should have immediate access to law enforcement, school administrators and medical assistance.
3. Individuals must be allowed to report school violence in confidence and without fear of retribution from anyone including school officials.
A. School officials and law enforcement must
1.Provide accurate and timely information to the community on school violence.
2.Develop and require the implementation and accountability of a Violence Risk Threat Assessment.
B. We must
1. Unite as a community of students, parents, school staff, school board members, law enforcement personnel, elected officials, and citizens.
2. Develop Proactive Safer Schools.
3. Ask: How can we effectively work to ensure and assure the safety of our children and school personnel?
Many students who commit violent crime, threaten others or act out are crying for help. We must not ignore our children's cries for help.
"What Can I Do/Expect?"
*Organize church/community forums led by "Safer
Schools" Team. (contact:*Ensure children are fed nutritionally: i.e. Backpack-Food Program.
*Teach children "Telling Is Not Tattling": It is a means of protecting oneself and others. Students are often the first to know critical information “under the radar”.
*Support schools when they do things right
hold them accountable when they do not.
*Insist schools have strict safe school policies (including dress code) with accountability.
*Require annual updates for students, parents, and school personnel about safety concerns.
*Provide annual training for all personnel to facilitate identifying issues.
*Assure citizens: Violence Risk Threat Assessment and Restorative Practices (positive learning, healing, and growth for all involved) are accountable.
*Write legislators requesting their support (see Safer Schools blogsite page, Legislation: Requests Made to NC Legislators).
*If threatened or feel unsafe, complete and file a police report ASAP. Keep the original copy: this will be needed if I petition the court for a Restraining Order.
*Share "Safer Schools" blogsite:
Requests made to NC Legislators & NCAE
(NC Association of Educators):
1) Include oral and written threats of violence in the School Law Enforcement Report Form and publicly report this information on the monthly school board agenda.2) Institute a Violence Risk Threat Assessment, a process in which school administrator, law enforcement official, mental health counselor, and teacher(s)/employee(s) involved TOGETHER investigate, examine, evaluate and report the threat.
3) Enact PROACTIVE legislation similar to VA Code 18.2-60: VA Teacher Association and VA legislators passed AFTER the VA Tech massacre: at school or school activities, oral threats of bodily harm are a Misdemeanor 1; written threats of bodily harm are a Felony 6.
Elected officials state: "Nowhere else in our society, in our businesses and community, would we tolerate actions considered misdemeanors and felonies. Why in our schools?"
Law enforcement leader responded, "You are singing music to my ears" and connected "Safer Schools" Team members to community leaders and other law enforcement personnel.
Legislators and citizens are encouraging us to expand the "Safer Schools" Program state-wide/nation-wide.
* School Law Enforcment Report should include oral and written threats of violence and be publicly reported on the monthly school board agenda
* Law enforcement looks at trends: 16 violent issues in schools
* We urge Legislators to include written and oral violent threats in school crime monthly report.
Discussion of:
* Alternative school(s): Policy needs to be available to public: What are criteria? Consistency? How many seats for our 73,000+ students?
* Safe environment: Safe and equal for all; consistent expectations & accountability across GCS Schools