MS/HS/College Students/Adults Site: NGFM: see below
Monday, September 9, 2013, 5:15-6:15pm
Rivalry, a play about the beginning phases of teen violence
Presented by Kerri Mubaarak & Students: We Are One at Caldcleugh Multicultural Arts Center
“Rivalry is a play written mostly by teens about the beginning phases of teen violence. We decided to produce this work in response to the shooting death of a local teenager that was said to have been fueled by a rivalry between two neighboring cities. It took us almost a year to the date to write and develop this piece. I was so pleased with the outcome. Great performances by all these actors.”Kerri Mubaarak Rivalry (Co-wrote/Directed) Kerri Mubaarakon Behance
"1 hour of stitched-together scenes from a detective, court official & former gang member. Local teenagers conducted the interviews and wrote 'Rivalry' with the help of several adults like Mubaarak." Jeri Rowe, News & Record
Monday, October 7, 2013, 5:15-6:15pm
Victim Assistance/Advocacy: Chet Hodgin of Jamestown, NC
After the murders of his two oldest sons, Chet became a devoted victim advocate who has volunteered his time for this cause. Chet, a kind, loving father of four sons and a Grandfather, works with our “Safer Schools” Team, and has worked constantly and state wide with the families of homicide victims. Chet counsels them; Chet goes to court with them to try to help them understand our judicial system. He tries to make sure they understand they are not alone. Chet has worked with more than 100 families and attended more than 60 trials and hearings. Chet founded a support group, "Victims of Violence, Inc.” Chet is a past president of the "NC Victim Assistance Network", past president of the "HP Community Against Violence", past president of "Crime stoppers of High Point”, and very active member of the "NC Interagency Council of Victim Service Providers". Chet is a certified Victim Service Provider. He has attended multiple conferences on working with victims such as "Federal Domestic Violence Conference”, “Death Notification”...
Monday, November 4, 2013. 5:15-6:45pm
Monday, December 2, 2013, 5:15-6:15 pm
Restorative Practices/Community Accountability Process (CAP): Sandy & Steve
Sandy Bowles: Director of Student Judicial Affairs, Guilford College;
Steve Moran: Assistant Director of Student Leadership & Engagement, Guilford College
Monday, January 6, 2014, 5:30-6:30pm
Conscious Discipline
Monday, February 3, 2014, 5:30-6:30pm
High Point Community Against Violence (HP-CAV)
Monday, March 3, April 7, May 5, 2014, 5:30-6:30pm
“Service Learning” in GCS; ...; ... (Focus/Dates To Be Confirmed)
New Garden Friends Meeting Worship Room, Greensboro
801 New Garden Rd (corner of W Friendly & New Garden Road): across from Guilford College
Walk around to back of NGFM: enter 2nd door from left
(No food, no drink/water bottles in NGFM Worship Room...Thank you)
“Safer Schools”