Wednesday, May 25, 2011

NEA Bullying Prevention Act 2011

Ask every student:
What is your school district's peer abuse policy?
What type of peer abuse is common in your school?
What is your safe zone?
What educational professional can you trust to help you with peer abuse?
Have you been abused by a peer? Is so, whom did you tell?
What happened?


Research/Share NEA (National Education Association):
*Bullying Prevention Act 2011
*Bully Free: It Stops With Me

Only at your request will comments be published.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Walkertown Student Disciplined for Posting Threat on Facebook

Walkertown Student Disciplined for Posting Threat on Facebook
Thursday, May 19th, 11:18 am FOX 8 News

A student at Walkertown Middle School has been disciplined after allegedly posting a threat against a teacher on Facebook.

Winston-Salem Forsyth School spokesman Theo Helm confirmed the threat, but did not elaborate on what the comment said.

The alleged threat was posted on Facebook on May 11. The school discovered the posting on May 12 and "dealt with it," Helm said.

The student was a pupil in the teacher's classroom at the school but "are not in contact with each other," Helm said.

Helm said as far as the school system knows, the threat was made only on the Facebook page.

Helm said according to the student handbook, the student could face up to 6 days of suspension and could be placed in an alternative school.

No other information was made available.

Walkertown, NC: MS Student Disciplined for Posting Teacher Threat on Facebook

Written by Devetta Blount

Walkertown, NC-- A Walkertown Middle School student has been suspended for threatening a teacher last week.
According to a school official, the threat was posted on the student's Facebook page, but not while he was at school.
WFMY News 2 received an email about the incident and contacted school officials.
On Wednesday, Theo Helm, a spokesperson for Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools, confirmed that a student did post a threat directed at a specific teacher at Walkertown Middle School.
Helms said someone found out about the threat and alerted a school staff member.
For legal reasons, Helm said he can't reveal specifics about the student or his punishment. He said the school took the appropriate action based on the incident. Helm added that, there is also a "gray" area when something happens outside of the school, but is related. 
Helms did say that the student will no longer be allowed in that teacher's classroom.

WFMY News 2

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Conscious Discipline: Dr. Becky Bailey

Research reveals a child needs to feel "safe, loved, valued" for the brain to be most receptive to learning. 
Academic success increases with a "Focus on Safety".

Conscious Discipline: includes the seven skills of
Composure, Encouragement, Assertiveness, Choices, Empathy, Positive Intent, and Consequences

"The School Family builds connection between families and schools, teachers and teachers, teachers and students, and students and students to ensure the optimal development of all.  These connections provide the three essential ingredients for school success:
*A willingness to learn
*Impulse control

Research this proactive approach.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Restorative Justice in Schools: Belinda Hopkins

Restorative Justice in Schools: Belinda Hopkins
1) Misbehavior defined as harm (emotional/mental/physical) done to one person/group by another
2) Focus on problem-solving by expressing feelings and needs and exploring how to meet them in the future
3) Dialogue and negotiation: everyone involved in communicating and cooperating with each other
4) Restitution as a means of restoring both parties, the goal being reconciliation and acknowledging responsibility for choices
5) Attention to relationships and achievement of the mutually desired outcome
6) Conflict/wrongdoing recognized as interpersonal conflicts with opportunity for learning
7) Focus on repair of social injury/damage
8) School community involved in facilitating restoration; those affected taken into consideration; empowerment
9) Accountability defined as understanding impact of actions, taking responsibility for choices and suggesting ways to repair harm

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Addressing school violence/verbal or written threats

Intercept verbal or written threats of bodily harm:
* Student or staff: share threat directly with SRO/law enforcement
* Let law enforcement begin with a blank slate and use their expertise to initially address the situation…let law enforcement communicate with school "leaders".  (SRO: Student Resource Officer)
* If threatened or feel unsafe, complete and file a police statement ASAP.
   Keep the original copy: this will be needed if I petition the court for a Restraining Order.
*In a 3-ring notebook, record date, time, place, individuals present, conversation.  Keep a running journal of events (in plastic sleeves) to ensure accuracy.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Can I Do?

*Organize church/community forums led by "Safer Schools" Team.
*Encourage/Share pro-active, effective safer school approaches.
*Write legislators requesting their support (see website page: Legislation: Requests Made to NC Legislators).
*Write editorials regarding school safety.
*If threatened or feel unsafe, complete and file a police statement ASAP.  Keep the original: this will be needed if I petition the court for a Restraining Order.

*Share our "Safer Schools" website:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Elected officials response to "SAFER SCHOOLS" sharing

“Safer Schools” Team Parents/Educators shared our concern of school violence at schedule meetings with:
*GCS Board Members (7+ x’s), 
*Guilford County Commissioners (3x’s),
*Guilford County’s 10 Mayors/Town Councils/Citizens,
*Guilford County Legislators,
*church and community groups.
NC elected officials state: "No where else in our society, in our businesses and community, would we put up with actions considered misdemeanors and felonies. Why in our schools?"
Legislators and citizens are encouraging us to expand “Safer Schools” Team statewide.
How can we effectively work  to assure the safety of our children and school personnel?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Focus on Safety"

Research reveals a child needs to feel “safe, loved, valued” for the brain to be most receptive to learning.
Academic success increases with a “Focus on Safety”.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Violence Risk Threat Assessment

Violence Risk Threat Assessment: process in which school administrator, law enforcement, mental health counselor, and teacher(s)/employee(s) involved together investigate, examine, evaluate and report the threat.

GCS "leaders" attest Violence Risk Threat Assessment was included in the GCS district-wide crisis management plan by August, 2008 and expected to be shared by administrators with teachers and staff.
To date, we find no GCS employee knowledgeable of the Violence Risk Threat Assessment; thus, no accountability. 

At the scheduled August 26, 2010 GCS School Board Meeting, we asked School Board Members 4?’s regarding how is there accountability of the Violence Risk Threat Assessment Policy and Procedures of which employees have no knowledge? 

To date, no response.
See "Safer Schools" website pages: "Violence Risk Threat Assessment" & "Legislation: Requests made to..."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

NEA Bullying Prevention Act 2011

Ask every student:
What is your school district's peer abuse policy?
What type of peer abuse is common in your school?
What is your safe zone?
What educational professional can you trust to help you with peer abuse?
Have you been abused by a peer? Is so, whom did you tell?
What happened?

Research/Share NEA (National Education Association):
*Bullying Prevention Act 2011
*Bully Free: It Stops With Me

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Episode of Violence

North Carolina General Statute 115C-338 is entitled “Salaries for employees injured during an episode of violence.” What it says is that if an employee is injured as a result of a violent act by a student, they are entitled to full salary and benefits from any absence that results from that injury. All your expenses are paid, you continue to receive full salary, and no sick leave or vacation leave is deducted, during the time you are absent due to your injury.
If you are injured by a student, be sure to file an incident report with your principal or supervisor as soon as possible. If you believe that your injury is the result of a violent act by a student, be sure to mark your leave form accordingly. Your payroll person is aware of this statute and should assist you in receiving your salary and benefits. Please call your UniServ Consultant (821-3128) if you have any questions about this or any legal issue.

For further information, see "Safer Schools" website page: Did You Know? (further elaboration of Statute 115C-338 Episode of Violence)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Situational Anxiety

Situational Anxiety: occurs when the body's natural reaction to dangerous situations, the fight or flight response, is triggered by a violent or frightening experience.  Situational anxiety is characterized by intense and debilitating fear in a specific situation.  It is the body’s way to safeguard itself.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Restraining Order

If threatened or feel unsafe, complete and file a police statement ASAP.
Keep the original copy: this will be needed if I petition the court for a Restraining Order.