North Carolina General Statute 115C-338 is entitled “Salaries for employees injured during an episode of violence.” What it says is that if an employee is injured as a result of a violent act by a student, they are entitled to full salary and benefits from any absence that results from that injury. All your expenses are paid, you continue to receive full salary, and no sick leave or vacation leave is deducted, during the time you are absent due to your injury.
If you are injured by a student, be sure to file an incident report with your principal or supervisor as soon as possible. If you believe that your injury is the result of a violent act by a student, be sure to mark your leave form accordingly. Your payroll person is aware of this statute and should assist you in receiving your salary and benefits. Please call your UniServ Consultant (821-3128) if you have any questions about this or any legal issue.
For further information, see "Safer Schools" website page: Did You Know? (further elaboration of Statute 115C-338 Episode of Violence)