Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Legislation Requests Made to NC Legislators and to NCAE (North Carolina Association of Educators) and NCRSP (NC Retired School Personnel)

1) Include oral and written threats of violence in the School Law Enforcement Report Form and publicly report this information on the monthly school board agenda.

2) Institute a Violence Risk Threat Assessment, a process in which school administrator, law enforcement, mental health counselor, & teacher(s)/employee(s) involved TOGETHER investigate, examine, evaluate and report the threat.

3) Enact PROACTIVE legislation similar to VA Code 18.2-60: VA Teacher Association and VA legislators passed AFTER the VA Tech massacre: at school or school activities, oral threats of bodily harm are a Misdemeanor 1; written threats of bodily harm are a Felony 6. 

The above are accountable in some NC schools.
Why not PROACTIVELY in GCS schools?
Why not PROACTIVELY in all NC schools?
What is the hidden agenda?

Our children are our most valuable resource.  The highest priority of school leaders, elected officials, and communities is to ensure our children receive a quality education in a safe environment. 



Elected officials state: “Nowhere else in our society, in our businesses and community, would we tolerate actions considered misdemeanors and felonies.  Why in our schools?”

Legislators and citizens are encouraging us to expand the "Safer Schools" Program state-wide.

Monday, July 25, 2011

NEA: Bully Free: It Starts With Me

Bully Free: It Starts With Me

what's new

6 Ways to Start Making Your School Bully Free
Take The Pledge
Bully Free: It Starts with Me logoI agree to be identified as a caring adult who pledges to help bullied students. I will listen carefully to all students who seek my help and act on their behalf to put an immediate stop to the bullying. I will work with other caring adults to create a safe learning environment for all the students in my school.

One Caring Adult Can Make a Difference

One caring adult can keep a bullied student from dropping out of school. One caring adult may save a bullied student’s life. NEA, through its Bully Free: It Starts With Me campaign, is asking you to be that caring adult. Just take the pledge — to listen to bullied students who approach you and take action to stop the bullying. In return, NEA will provide you with free resources to help you support these students.

Recommended Reading


Message to Educators: Take the Bully-free Pledge Message to Educators: Take the Bully-free Pledge
Dennis Van Roekel urges educators to be the one caring adult who makes a difference to a bullied child.


NEA President on MSNBC NEA President on MSNBC
Dennis Van Roekel tells a national audience about NEA’s Bully Free: It Starts with Me campaign.

    Monday, July 18, 2011

    Keys to Safer Schools


    Keys To Safer Schools.com (KEYS) equips teachers,  students, parents, administrators and counselors with simple, yet effective tools, training and materials. The programs and publications offered rely heavily upon nationally researched methods for early warning and intervention of school violence.  Keys training is interactive and responsive, always designed to meet the needs of the audience.  Contact our team of Professionals to have a program tailored for your school district or to obtain any of our proven material.

    Monday, July 11, 2011

    Deadly Lessons: Understanding Lethal School Violence

    Click below to open:

    Deadly Lessons: Understanding Lethal School Violence

    Comments may be shared at:  saferschools@yahoo.com
    Only at your request will comments be published. 

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Violence in the Schools - LIFT (Law Institute For Teachers)

    The following informational presentation was created by Tom Stern, NCAE Attorney, and Deborah Stagner for the 2010 LIFT (Law Institute For Teachers) Conference sponsored by the Wake County Bar. (click following website)