Monday, July 25, 2011

NEA: Bully Free: It Starts With Me

Bully Free: It Starts With Me

what's new

6 Ways to Start Making Your School Bully Free
Take The Pledge
Bully Free: It Starts with Me logoI agree to be identified as a caring adult who pledges to help bullied students. I will listen carefully to all students who seek my help and act on their behalf to put an immediate stop to the bullying. I will work with other caring adults to create a safe learning environment for all the students in my school.

One Caring Adult Can Make a Difference

One caring adult can keep a bullied student from dropping out of school. One caring adult may save a bullied student’s life. NEA, through its Bully Free: It Starts With Me campaign, is asking you to be that caring adult. Just take the pledge — to listen to bullied students who approach you and take action to stop the bullying. In return, NEA will provide you with free resources to help you support these students.

Recommended Reading


Message to Educators: Take the Bully-free Pledge Message to Educators: Take the Bully-free Pledge
Dennis Van Roekel urges educators to be the one caring adult who makes a difference to a bullied child.


NEA President on MSNBC NEA President on MSNBC
Dennis Van Roekel tells a national audience about NEA’s Bully Free: It Starts with Me campaign.