Bully Free: It Starts With Me
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6 Ways to Start Making Your School Bully Free
Take The Pledge
One Caring Adult Can Make a Difference
One caring adult can keep a bullied student from dropping out of school. One caring adult may save a bullied student’s life. NEA, through its Bully Free: It Starts With Me campaign, is asking you to be that caring adult. Just take the pledge — to listen to bullied students who approach you and take action to stop the bullying. In return, NEA will provide you with free resources to help you support these students.
Recommended Reading
- Bullying: Are You The One? NEA Vice-President Lily Eskelsen asks: Are you the one? When students have one person who says to them, "I believe you. You don't deserve this. I'm going to try and stop this," it changes their world.
- Findings from the National Education Association's Nationwide Study of Bullying This first-of-its-kind, large-scale research study by NEA and Johns Hopkins University examines different school staff members' perspectives on bullying and bullying prevention efforts.
- Alternatives to Zero Tolerance Policies: In bullying incidences, research shows that zero tolerance policies don’t work. This resource offers alternative approaches.
Dennis Van Roekel urges educators to be the one caring adult who makes a difference to a bullied child.
Dennis Van Roekel tells a national audience about NEA’s Bully Free: It Starts with Me campaign.