Research reveals a child needs
to be fed nutritionally and
to feel “safe, loved, valued”
for the brain to be
most receptive to learning.
Academic success increases
with a
“Focus on Safety”.
Community Initiatives
Conduct sessions, led by Safer Schools Team members, to explore topics to assure an environment receptive to learning:
· “Fed nutritionally”: donate financial support to Backpack-Food Program for Children to provide nutritional weekend/summer meals
· Telling is not Tattling: It is a means of protecting oneself and others. Students are often the first to know critical information “under the radar”.
· Restorative Practices: positive learning, healing, and growth for all involved
· Tutoring/Shared Time: volunteers to support academic achievement and individual attention and affirmation
We must unite as a community to develop Proactive Safer Schools and ask,
“How can we effectively work to assure the safety of our children and school personnel?”
“How can we effectively work to assure the safety of our children and school personnel?”
It will take all of us working together to make School Safety a reality.