The film BULLY follows five stories of children and families who are affected deeply by bullying within the course of a school year. With intimate glimpses into homes, classrooms, cafeterias, and principals’ offices, the film offers insight into the lives of bullied, ridiculed children. Historically, seemingly small instances of labeling and ridicule have catastrophic consequences for the marginalized groups involved. This film brings those “small” instances into the spotlight creating a space to discuss the effects of bullyng. The accompanying guide tells the personal stories of those bullied, and suggests that improving school climate takes fostering a reflective and engaging learning community.
Features include:
• Essential background information about bullying, including testimony and research findings from experts who have studied the effects of bullying on children, parents, and communities.
Facinghistory.org/safeschools provides additional resources about creating safe and caring school environments.
• A “toolbox” of discussion strategies that will help facilitate honest, open dialogue about the film with groups of students and adults alike.