Our next Offender Focused Domestic Violence Call-in will be on Tuesday, July 31st at City Hall Council Chambers, 3rd floor (211 South Hamilton Street) beginning promptly at 6:00pm (please come at least 10 minutes early if possible).
THEN, on Tuesday, August 14th at 6PM, same place as above, will be our quarterly Repeat Violent Offender Call-in. Again, you ARE needed.
The above “Call-ins” are where we (High Point Community Against Violence/High Point Police Department/ NC Probation and other law enforcement agencies local, state and federal) confront violent crime offenders whom we have chosen to focus on regarding their criminal records and we do so for the safety of the community. We give them (the focus offenders) a warning; we give them a chance to better lives; law enforcement gives them a promise of fierce prosecution if they reoffend.
THIS way of doing things works: over fifteen years of doing this kind of community partnership policing in High Point: population has grown 37% while violent crime has decreased 54%.
WE NEED the community (YOU) present to FILL THE CITY HALL CHAMBERS to show a united effort to drive down violent crime.
THIS way of doing things works: over fifteen years of doing this kind of community partnership policing in High Point: population has grown 37% while violent crime has decreased 54%.
WE NEED the community (YOU) present to FILL THE CITY HALL CHAMBERS to show a united effort to drive down violent crime.
High Point Community Against Violence