Monday, September 30, 2013
Inspirational Video - 24 Things to Remember (3:16 min. video)
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Good to the Core: Building Value with Values (3:13 min. video)
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Because Our Children Are Watching (2:10 min. video)
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Heroes Without Guns: includes 3 videos
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Dr. Howard Zehr, Grandfather of Restorative Justice (4:43 min. video)
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Teaching Empathy to Our Children Can Change Our World
Click: A Word to Parents
Monday, September 23, 2013
"Victim Assistance/Advocacy": Chet Hodgin of Jamestown, NC
M, Oct., 7, 5:15-6:15pm; NGFM Worship Room (see below)
After the murders of his two oldest sons, Chet became a devoted victim advocate who has volunteered his time for this cause. Chet, a kind, loving father of four sons and a Grandfather, works with our “Safer Schools” Team, and has worked constantly and state wide with the families of homicide victims. Chet counsels them; Chet goes to court with them to try to help them understand our judicial system. He tries to make sure they understand they are not alone. Chet has worked with more than 100 families and attended more than 60 trials and hearings. Chet founded a support group, "Victims of Violence, Inc.” Chet is a past president of the "NC Victim Assistance Network", past president of the "HP Community Against Violence", past president of "Crime stoppers of High Point ”, and very active member of the "NC Interagency Council of Victim Service Providers". Chet is a certified Victim Service Provider. He has attended multiple conferences on working with victims such as "Federal Domestic Violence Conference”, “Death Notification”...This was all volunteer. Chet also was a Real Estate Broker.
“Safer Schools” invitation to community members: 4th -5th gd/MS/HS/College Students/Adults: Click left p1:
801 New Garden Rd (corner of W Friendly & New Garden Road ): across from Guilford College
New Garden Friends Meeting Worship Room, Greensboro
Walk around to back of NGFM: enter 2nd door from left
(No food, no drink/water bottles in NGFM Worship Room...Thank you)
Sunday, September 22, 2013
She without arm, he without leg-ballet (5:01 video)
Amazing, enjoy, such determination, beautiful choreography
She without arm, he without leg - ballet - Hand in Hand - YouTube
Persevere with what we have
She without arm, he without leg - ballet - Hand in Hand - YouTube
Persevere with what we have
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Stop Bullying My Twin Sister (6:19 min. video)
Friday, September 20, 2013
"The Watsons Go to Birmingham": F, 9-20-2013: 8pm, Hallmark Channel; 4:47 min. video included
Sept. 15th, marks the 50th Anniversary of the bombing of the church in Birmingham, Alabama that killed four beautiful African American girls. Carole Robertson was one of the four girls who was a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Annually, JJOA celebrates Carole Robertson Day in remembrance of the sacrifices that were made during that time that directly impact our lives and current liberties.
Many of our children may already be familiar with the award winning chapter book, written by Christopher Paul Curtis (1995), which has been on numerous school reading lists and featured in many "book chats." So now, the movie adaptation of the book"The Watson's Go to Birmingham - 1963 " has finally come to the screen. The movie is produced by Tanya Lewis Lee, wife of Spike Lee. It took her 9 years to get the movie made because the studios did not think that our community would support the film. The movie like the book exposes children to an important and often difficult chapter of American History, the fight for civil rights. If you read the book then you'll remember the tragic bombing of the church that took the life of J & J member, Carole Robertson, which is pivotal to the plot.
The movie is scheduled to air on Friday, September 20th, 2013 at 8pm (EST) on the Hallmark Channel.So please check your local listing ASAP. The producers asked that we spread the word. Please support this film and also spread the word. This movie will be a great teachable moment for all of us.
The Watsons Go To Birmingham | Hallmark Channel 4:47 min. video
The Watsons Go To Birmingham | Hallmark Channel 4:47 min. video
NC Center for Safer Schools Report
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Warning Signs That Your Child Is Being Bullied, Is a Bully, Is Using Drugs or Alcohol
Warning Signs That Your Child Is Being Bullied:
-Pattern of withdrawl, shame, fearfulness
-Onset of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem
-Persistent, vague, unexplained physical complaints
-Damaged or missing brlongings
-Unexplained bruises or injuries
-Dimished social contacts
-Excuses to avoid school; decline in grades
-Trouble sleeping or eating
Warning Signs That Your Child Is a Bully:
-Angers easily
-Demonstrates a need to dominate
-Acts out impulsively
-Lacks empathy to others
-Defiant to adults
-Aggressive behavior
-Has unexplained belongings
-Makes hypocritical remarks about other students
Warning Signs That Your Child Is Using Drugs or Alcohol:
-Rapid loss of weight
-Paleness of the skin
-Dark circles under the eyes
-Shaky hands
-Dropping grades
-More absences from school than you know about
-Sudden mood changes
-Rise in anger at family members
"School Bullying Is Nothing New, But Psychologists Identify New Ways to Prevent It",
American Psychological Association, Research In Action
-Pattern of withdrawl, shame, fearfulness
-Onset of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem
-Persistent, vague, unexplained physical complaints
-Damaged or missing brlongings
-Unexplained bruises or injuries
-Dimished social contacts
-Excuses to avoid school; decline in grades
-Trouble sleeping or eating
Warning Signs That Your Child Is a Bully:
-Angers easily
-Demonstrates a need to dominate
-Acts out impulsively
-Lacks empathy to others
-Defiant to adults
-Aggressive behavior
-Has unexplained belongings
-Makes hypocritical remarks about other students
Warning Signs That Your Child Is Using Drugs or Alcohol:
-Rapid loss of weight
-Paleness of the skin
-Dark circles under the eyes
-Shaky hands
-Dropping grades
-More absences from school than you know about
-Sudden mood changes
-Rise in anger at family members
"School Bullying Is Nothing New, But Psychologists Identify New Ways to Prevent It",
American Psychological Association, Research In Action
McGraw, Dr. Phil. 2012. Life code:
the new rules for winning in the real world. Bird Street Books
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Homeless man handsomely rewarded for honesty
Monday, September 16, 2013
Rebeccca Ann Sedwick, 12 years old, Lakeland Florida: Cyberbully
Rebecca Ann Sedwick, 12-Year-Old Florida Girl, Commits Suicide After Online Bullying (VIDEO)
Mef 12-year-old girl found dead believes cyber
Rebecca Ann Sedwick, 12-Year-Old Florida Girl, Commits Suicide After Online Bullying (VIDEO)
Rebecca Ann Sedwick, 12-Year-Old Florida Girl, Commits Suicide After Online Bullying (VIDEO)
Mother of 12-year-old girl found dead believes cyberbullying drove her
Restorative Practices in Schools
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Great Quotes from Great Leaders (3:34 min. video)
Throughout history the words of great leaders have inspired, comforted, persuaded, and motivated us. Regardless of their fields of endeavor, they were all visionaries who led by example and whose actions transformed ideas into incredible results.

Copyright SimpleTruths, LLC
Click here to watch: Great Quotes from Great Leaders
Copyright SimpleTruths, LLC
Click here to watch: Great Quotes from Great Leaders
Saturday, September 14, 2013
212°: the extra degree (3:35 min. video)
212 degrees-The Extra Degree-motivational video - YouTube
212°: the extra degree, is a powerful metaphor and a mindset that can help each achieve greater personal and professional success. To understand the power of 212°, remember this law of science:
at 211 degrees, water is hot.
Steve Ventura
at 211 degrees, water is hot.
at 212 degrees, it boils.
and with boiling water comes steam …
and with steam, you can power a train.
Applying one extra degree of temperature to water means the difference between something that is simply very hot and something that generates enough force to power a machine.
It is also a reminder for each to give the extra effort in every task, action and endeavor we undertake.
It is also a reminder for each to give the extra effort in every task, action and endeavor we undertake.
212° reinforces that seemingly small things can make tremendous differences as individual contributors and overall success.
Steve Ventura
Thursday, September 12, 2013
"Fixing Juvie Justice"; Restorative Practices; Th., 9-12-13; 8:30 - 10pm; Greenleaf, Guilford College
Interested in Restorative Justice? Conflict Transformation? Learning how to help people? Come out to a relaxing and caffeine-induced movie and discussion of "Fixing Juvie Justice" a short documentary about community conferencing in Baltimore and New Zealand! Come join us for coffee, donuts, and good discussion at the Greenleaf (basement of Mary Hobbs Dorm, Guilford College) on Th., 9-12-13 from 8:30-10:00 PM!
MOVIE NIGHT presented by the Conflict Resolution Resource Center (CRRC)
Submitted by Jeremy Rinker
MOVIE NIGHT presented by the Conflict Resolution Resource Center (CRRC)
Submitted by Jeremy Rinker
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
“To believe that what has not occurred in history will not occur at all,
Boatload, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience; Alan Jackson-Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning (videos included)
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Teen Returns Money His Father Allegedly Stole from Elderly Woman (2:21 min. video)
Monday, September 9, 2013
"Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose
sight of your goal. Prepare yourself in every way you can by
increasing your knowledge and adding to your
experience, so that you can make the most
of opportunity when it occurs."
increasing your knowledge and adding to your
experience, so that you can make the most
of opportunity when it occurs."
~Mario Andretti
Your Inspiration For Today!
"If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us."
"If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us."
~Jim Rohn
Sunday, September 8, 2013
"Rivalry": M, 9-9-2013: 5:15-6:15pm
4th - 5th gd/MS/HS/College Students/Adults Site: NGFM: see below
Monday, September 9, 2013, 5:15-6:15pm
Rivalry, a play about the beginning phases of teen violence
Presented by Kerri Mubaarak & Students: We Are One at Caldcleugh Multicultural Arts Center
“Rivalry is a play written mostly by teens about the beginning phases of teen violence. We decided to produce this work in response to the shooting death of a local teenager that was said to have been fueled by a rivalry between two neighboring cities. It took us almost a year to the date to write and develop this piece. I was so pleased with the outcome. Great performances by all these actors.” Kerri Mubaarak
Rivalry (Co-wrote/Directed)
Kerri Mubaarakon Behance
"1 hour of stitched-together scenes from a detective, court official & former gang member. Local teenagers conducted the interviews and wrote 'Rivalry' with the help of several adults like Mubaarak." Jeri Rowe, News & Record Jeri Rowe: Teens' play explores consequences of 'Rivalry' - News ...
Site: New Garden Friends Meeting Worship Room, Greensboro
Walk around to back of NGFM: enter 2nd door from left
(No food, no drink/water bottles in NGFM Worship Room...Thank you)
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
Thursday, September 5, 2013
When things go wrong, and they sometimes will...
how will you choose to respond?
Be inspired by these words of wisdom if you are thinking of quitting.

Watch Don't Quit Poem
Together we can make a difference...
Live Inspired!
Doug Westmoreland Co-Founder
Be inspired by these words of wisdom if you are thinking of quitting.
Watch Don't Quit Poem
Together we can make a difference...
Live Inspired!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Richie Parker: This Guy is Amazing: 7:56 min. video
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Forgiveness' Embrace: Alison Jiear (4:09 min. video)
A Football Game Gives Hope (5:29min. video)
Not new, but a wonderful story worth repeating! Don't miss the video!
Texas High School Football.There was an unusual high school football game played in Grapevine, Texas. The game was between Grapevine Faith Academy and the Gainesville State School . Faith is a Christian school and Gainesville State School is located within a maximum security correction facility.
Gainesville State School has 14 players. They play every game on the road. Their record was 0-8. They've only scored twice. Their 14 players are teenagers who have been convicted of crimes ranging from drugs to assault to robbery. Most had families who had disowned them. They wore outdated, used shoulder pads and helmets. Faith Academy was 7-2. They had 70 players, 11 coaches, and the latest equipment.
Chris Hogan, the head coach at Faith Academy, knew the Gainesville team would have no fans and it would be no contest, so he thought, "What if half of our fans and half of our cheerleaders, for one night only, cheered for the other team?" He sent out an email to the faithful asking them to do just that. "Here's the message I want you to send," Hogan wrote. "You're just as valuable as any other person on the planet."
Some folks were confused and thought he was nuts. One player said, "Coach, why are we doing this?" Hogan said, "Imagine you don't have a home life, no one to love you, no one pulling for you. Imagine that everyone pretty much had given up on you. Now, imagine what it would feel like and mean to you for hundreds of people to suddenly believe in you."
Gainesville State School has 14 players. They play every game on the road. Their record was 0-8. They've only scored twice. Their 14 players are teenagers who have been convicted of crimes ranging from drugs to assault to robbery. Most had families who had disowned them. They wore outdated, used shoulder pads and helmets. Faith Academy was 7-2. They had 70 players, 11 coaches, and the latest equipment.
Chris Hogan, the head coach at Faith Academy, knew the Gainesville team would have no fans and it would be no contest, so he thought, "What if half of our fans and half of our cheerleaders, for one night only, cheered for the other team?" He sent out an email to the faithful asking them to do just that. "Here's the message I want you to send," Hogan wrote. "You're just as valuable as any other person on the planet."
Some folks were confused and thought he was nuts. One player said, "Coach, why are we doing this?" Hogan said, "Imagine you don't have a home life, no one to love you, no one pulling for you. Imagine that everyone pretty much had given up on you. Now, imagine what it would feel like and mean to you for hundreds of people to suddenly believe in you."
The idea took root. On the night of the game, imagine the surprise of those 14 players when they took the field and there was a banner the cheerleaders had made for them to crash through. The visitors' stands were full. The cheerleaders were leading cheers for them. The fans were calling them by their names. Isaiah, the quarterback-middle linebacker said, "I never in my life thought I would hear parents cheering to tackle and hit their kid. Most of the time, when we come out, people are afraid of us. You can see it in their eyes, but these people are yelling for us. They knew our names."
Faith won the game, and after the game the teams gathered at the 50-yard line to pray. That's when Isaiah, the teenage convict-quarterback surprised everybody and asked if he could pray. He prayed, "Lord, I don't know what just happened so I don't know how or who to say thank you to, but I never knew there were so many people in the world who cared about us." On the way back to the bus, under guard, each one of the players was handed a burger, fries, a coke, candy, a Bible, and an encouraging letter from the players from Faith Academy.
What incredible kindness and goodness
Proverbs 11:17 says, "Your own soul is nourished when you are kind."
Proverbs 3:27 says, "Do not withhold good when it is in your power to act."
Be kind to someone this week. Be kind to every person you meet.
Faith won the game, and after the game the teams gathered at the 50-yard line to pray. That's when Isaiah, the teenage convict-quarterback surprised everybody and asked if he could pray. He prayed, "Lord, I don't know what just happened so I don't know how or who to say thank you to, but I never knew there were so many people in the world who cared about us." On the way back to the bus, under guard, each one of the players was handed a burger, fries, a coke, candy, a Bible, and an encouraging letter from the players from Faith Academy.
What incredible kindness and goodness
Proverbs 11:17 says, "Your own soul is nourished when you are kind."
Proverbs 3:27 says, "Do not withhold good when it is in your power to act."
Be kind to someone this week. Be kind to every person you meet.
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