Thursday, September 19, 2013

Warning Signs That Your Child Is Being Bullied, Is a Bully, Is Using Drugs or Alcohol

Warning Signs That Your Child Is Being Bullied:
-Pattern of withdrawl, shame, fearfulness
-Onset of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem
-Persistent, vague, unexplained physical complaints
-Damaged or missing brlongings
-Unexplained bruises or injuries
-Dimished social contacts
-Excuses to avoid school; decline in grades
-Trouble sleeping or eating

Warning Signs That Your Child Is a Bully:
-Angers easily
-Demonstrates a need to dominate
-Acts out impulsively
-Lacks empathy to others
-Defiant to adults
-Aggressive behavior
-Has unexplained belongings
-Makes hypocritical remarks about other students

Warning Signs That Your Child Is Using Drugs or Alcohol:
-Rapid loss of weight
-Paleness of the skin
-Dark circles under the eyes
-Shaky hands
-Dropping grades
-More absences from school than you know about
-Sudden mood changes
-Rise in anger at family members

"School Bullying Is Nothing New, But Psychologists Identify New Ways to Prevent It",
American Psychological Association, Research In Action
McGraw, Dr. Phil. 2012. Life code: the new rules for winning in the real world. Bird Street Books