Wednesday, October 23, 2013

 Has your child or someone you know ever been harmed?
Have you yourself harmed another at home, school, or work?

Join us to learn about a program designed through special mediation to Keep Our Homes and Schools Safer!
Speakers Attorney Jon Powell, Director of the Juvenile Justice Project, and Frank Ard, Social Worker III /General Instructor at NC Department of Public Safety, Division of Juvenile, facilitate Restorative Justice Practice mediations with offenders and victims to “repair the harm”.
This program can benefit people of all ages and all environments, especially school settings, thru deep questions:
-Who has been hurt?
-What are their needs?
-Who has the obligation to address the needs, to put right the harms, to restore relationships?
“Conflict is Opportunity…Don’t Waste It”
4th - 5th gd/MS/HS/College Students & Adults
Monday, November 4, 2013; 5:15 - 6:45pm
Jon Powell & Franklin Ard:
Restorative Justice Practices/Circles 

New Garden Friends Meeting Worship Room, Greensboro
801 New Garden Rd (corner of W Friendly & New Garden Road): across from Guilford College
Walk around to back of NGFM: enter 2nd door from left
(No food, no drink/water bottles in NGFM Worship Room...Thank you)

For further info and video, click left p1 and 5: