Some of those belonged to the area’s 911 dispatchers, firefighters, paramedics and police officers, who are spending little time attending to their own ordeals.
“The first responders are people too, and sometimes we forget that,” Buffalo Grove Police Chief Terry Vavra said. “They had to either leave their home, and leave that devastation, or they weren’t even home when the devastation occurred.”
Thank you for support you choose to extend: prayers, financial, ...
If you choose to share with Washington, Illinois tornado victims, the following allows total amount to be invested directly to food, etc. for children/families... no cut to administrative costs.
If you choose to share with Washington, Illinois tornado victims, the following allows total amount to be invested directly to food, etc. for children/families... no cut to administrative costs.
Check: (Tax Deductible)
Payable to: Washington Rotary Foundation
For: Washington, IL Tornado AssistancePayable to: Washington Rotary Foundation
Mail to:
c/o: District 50 schools
Attn: Dr. Patrick Martin
304 East Almond Drive
Illinois woman organizes effort to get lost photos returned to tornado victims
Images for family bible found in tornado
News for family bible found in tornado
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