Thursday, November 21, 2013

Red Flags: Is your child being bullied?

According to Jerry Weichman, PhD, a licensed   psychologist who specializes in adolescence at the Hoag Neurosciences Institute in Newport Beach, California, “Kids often spend more time at school than they do at home, so it’s important that parents stay vigilant about what’s going on in their lives,” he tells Yahoo Shine. If you think your kid is being bullied at school, here are some red flags to watch for. Even one is enough to be concerned, according to Weichman.

Lashing out at home:
Children understand when something feels wrong, but they may not know how to cope, says Weichman. “If your kid suddenly develops a short fuse and begins bullying siblings or a helpless family pet, it may be a learned behavior.”

Disruptive sleep or eating patterns: Anxiety disrupts the body's daily rhythms and can cause insomnia. Anxiety can also cause either an increase or a decrease in appetite, depending on the individual.
Changes in schedule: Does your kid suddenly not want to go to basketball practice anymore? Does he take a different route to school? “He may be trying to avoid someone who is bullying.

The Strange Effect of Bullying