Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ferguson: Sheriff BJ Barnes

"In Ferguson, Mo. the Grand Jury did not return a indictment on the officer who shot Michael Brown based on the evidence heard by 12 citizens. The states attorney did a great job explaining the evidence and the process. Will this be the end of it, I assure you it will not. There are those who will use this as a tool to advance their own agenda on both sides of this issue. I was just questioned Joe Killian with the News & Record who will be doing a story for tomorrow. I told him and will repeat to you my friends this is a time for calmer heads to prevail. The Grand Jury took three months to review the evidence, surely we can review the evidence on our own to reach our own conclusions without allowing the agitators to cause more hate and discontent to be spread in our community. We need to keep in mind there was a loss of life, that's bad enough, let's not lose a nation by allowing others to take over this discussion by demonstrating and stirring up hard feelings."