Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Violence Risk Threat Assessment

Violence Risk Threat Assessment: process in which school administrator, law enforcement, mental health counselor, and teacher(s)/employee(s) involved together investigate, examine, evaluate and report the threat.

GCS "leaders" attest Violence Risk Threat Assessment was included in the GCS district-wide crisis management plan by August, 2008 and expected to be shared by administrators with teachers and staff.
To date, we find no GCS employee knowledgeable of the Violence Risk Threat Assessment; thus, no accountability. 

At the scheduled August 26, 2010 GCS School Board Meeting, we asked School Board Members 4?’s regarding how is there accountability of the Violence Risk Threat Assessment Policy and Procedures of which employees have no knowledge? 

To date, no response.
See "Safer Schools" website pages: "Violence Risk Threat Assessment" & "Legislation: Requests made to..."