Thursday, August 4, 2011

How are GCS "leaders" addressing community safety/integrity/trust needs for families and employees?

Questionnaire 2008/Board of Education, School Board Platform: In running for her 3rd term for GCS School Board, GCS Board Member was asked:

Is there anything about the school system that you consider an embarrassment?  If so, what is it?  How would you attempt to change it?

Her response:
"The climate of fear and distrust in our school system embarrasses and saddens me.  When I hear of administrators mistreating or threatening our employees it angers me and I report the actions to the appropriate staff, however, there does not appear to be consequences for these behaviors, thus this climate continues. There should be openness throughout the system and teachers and principals and parents should be able to talk with Board Members without fear of losing their jobs or being reprimanded or having their children negatively impacted.  This fear and distrust starts at the top and it is my primary goal to change this climate.  It is crucial that we hire a superintendent who demonstrates that he or she values our employees and will not lead by intimidation.  It is my hope that the new superintendent will lead our school system in a new direction and through his or her leadership will demonstrate respect for all employees."

a) If, during three terms, GCS School Board Members and GCS "leaders" cannot address this concern, who can?

b) Who can improve the ability of GCS Board Members and GCS "leaders" to address community integrity/trust/safety needs for families, employees, and situations similar to "Safer Schools" website page: "Teacher intercepts GCS student written threats of violence..."?

c) Does this emphasize the urgent need for legislation including:
Requests made to  NC Legislators & NCAE (NC Association of Educators)/NCRSP (NC Retired School Personnel):
1) Include oral and written threats of violence in the School Law Enforcement Report Form and publicly report this information on the monthly school board agenda.
2) Institute a Violence Risk Threat Assessment, a process in which school administrator, law enforcement, mental health counselor, & teacher(s)/employee(s) involved TOGETHER investigate, examine, evaluate and report the threat.
3) Enact PROACTIVE legislation similar to VA Code 18.2-60: VA Teacher Association and VA legislators passed AFTER the VA Tech massacre: at school or school activities, oral threats of bodily harm are a Misdemeanor 1; written threats of bodily harm are a Felony 6. 

d) Hope/goal: our community unites to develop proactive safer schools under our school superintendent's leadership.

How can we effectively work to assure the safety of our children and school personnel?

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