Thursday, December 8, 2011

NC Gang Problem: websites/video

Sergeant Brandon Jones gave a little insight on the real impact gangs had on Triad communities. He is with the Alamance County Sheriff's Office City-County Gang Crimes Task Force & is a Task Force Agent with Safe Streets Task Force FBI in Greensboro.
Jones said the gang problem is worse that most people probably think.

"I don't know if it's ignorance to the problem, I don't know if it's lack of education, and a lot of that is what we're trying to break through, is educate ourselves as far as law enforcement goes: educate the public, educate the community, because it’s here. It's a lot worse than we realize. It's coming from other states, its being brought up from the younger generation now from people that are moving here."

Jones also said recent studies released by the F.B.I. state that up to 80% of all crime committed nationwide has some sort of gang tie to it. That statistic encompasses everything from murders, sexual assaults, to drugs.

Jones said there are things you can do to try to prevent gangs in your neighborhood. "Be vigilant in the activity that goes on in the neighborhoods. Don't dismiss activity because you may think that it’s just kids, or wanna be gang members perse. If it's an issue that you feel is something you feel needs to be brought to the police's attention, don't hesitate to call, that's what these tasks forces are set up for, is to combat the gang problem.".

Jones also said there's a website people can access and gather more information about gangs for themselves. The address is:

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Gang areness Guide for North Carolina Communities

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The North Carolina Gang Investigators Association. (NCGIA) and .... problem, gangs have spread to the small cities ..... Tiny Rascal Gangsters
! Greensboro NC ...
What you should know about youth gangs in North Carolina - Similar

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Throughout North Carolina, families, law enforcement officials, and educators are confronting a dangerous and multifaceted problem: youth gangs. In February ...

News for Triad, NC gang problem

How Bad Is The Gang Problem In The Triad?

WFMY News 2 - 12/7/2011

Burlington, NC -- Triad law enforcement agencies worked together to make what some ... Jones said the gang problem is worse that most people probably think. ...